Frances R. Schmidt

Jane Hauser, Book Project Typist As a legal assistant for the law firm of Lipsitz Green Scime Cambria LLP, it was a nice diversion and pleasure assisting the author and my friend, Frances Schmidt, in the manner of typing her manuscript for this novel.  I want to thank her for giving me this opportunity.  It was a fascinating read.” 
Jane Killewald, Pre-Publication Editor “Truly a labor of love! I had no idea there would be so many dates and details in Fred’s biography!!  I learned so much in reviewing the material in Fred’s backstory. Taking the lead from Fred’s researchers and Fran’s words, I found myself spending much time reviewing details surrounding political movements, famines, foreign policies, and wars, all of which led to the steady stream of displaced people who found themselves making their way to Buffalo, New York, in the early days of the city’s life. From near and far, individuals and families came to take refuge within Fred’s friendly walls. They lived and grew together, supported each other, and eventually moved on to better themselves. A remarkable story of grit and perseverance, and, ultimately, of love of freedom”
Tiny Sharon  All my life, books have been important to me and every day I read.  Fran’s novel has many interesting historical facts about the 1900’s that I never knew before. The story of Fred’s tenants’ legacies  inspired me.  I was able to provide Fran with feedback regarding her manuscript because reading is like candy to me and her characters are all the different flavors!  Fran has constantly “pestered ” me at at ninety-two, to write my first novel.  I hope she’ll enjoy reading mine. like I have enjoyed reading hers!”
Frank Santora “When I first started reading Fran’s first handwritten chapters I was impressed with the title of the book; Fred: Building of Dreams, because it peaked my interest.  Just hearing his name made me want to read more and more.  I was often talked into reading many chapters out loud and when I did, Fran corrected her draft sentences when they needed some tweaking.  She was always excited when it happened, “You saved the day!”, she’d  say with a smile, knowing it was hard to refuse her pleading eyes.  I thoroughly enjoyed helping her and told her I was captivated by the book and couldn’t wait to read it when it was published.”


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