Frances R. Schmidt

FRED: Buffalo Building of Dreams


Book Synopsis

FRED’s story honors his tenants and their families who arrived in America from all over the world from 1900 – 2020.  It’s a legacy of hope and teaches us the value of freedom, and what it means to survive and thrive in America in the 21st Century and beyond.

It’s also a personal reflection of FRED’S experience maturing and witnessing history as it happened through the eyes of his hard working immigrants and their first generation American stories.  Without FRED, their stories may never have been told and enjoyed.  Their lives are valuable and contribute to America’s strong roots.

FRED’S tenants are the heart of the book. They were immigrants, refugees, internal migrants,  and descendants of enslaved peoples of Africa. They arrived in Buffalo, New York from Germany, Sicily, Italy, Ireland, Canada, Hungry, France, Puerto Rico, The Pale of Russia, Poland, and Africa. Their legacy of hope teaches us the value of freedom and what it means to survive and thrive in America from 1900-2018 and beyond.

“Having a name made me feel human. The woman in the black Toyota and her researchers worked hard to create an accurate picture of a humble building of dreams.”

FRED’s story honors his tenants and their families who arrived in America from all over the world from 1900 – 2020.  It’s a legacy of hope and teaches us the value of freedom, and what it means to survive and thrive in America in the 21st Century and beyond.
It’s also a personal reflection of FRED’S experience maturing and witnessing history as it happened through the eyes of his hard working immigrants and their first generation American stories.  Without FRED, their stories may never have been told and enjoyed.  Their lives are valuable and contribute to America’s strong roots.
FRED’S tenants are the heart of the book. They were immigrants, refugees, internal migrants,  and descendants of enslaved peoples of Africa. They arrived in Buffalo, New York from Germany, Sicily, Italy, Ireland, Canada, Hungry, France, Puerto Rico, The Pale of Russia, Poland, and Africa. Their legacy of hope teaches us the value of freedom and what it means to survive and thrive in America from 1900-2018 and beyond.
“Having a name made me feel human. The woman in the black Toyota and her researchers worked hard to create an accurate picture of a humble building of dreams.”

Looking Backward: Niagara & Potomac, 1951

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