Frances R. Schmidt

A message from FRED: Buffalo Building of Dreams 2021 and Forever Violet from Stonyhill to Broadway 2023

Hope warms the heart in times of need. Hope helps us survive to face our fears. Hope transcends our thoughts of loss. Hope is an invisible thread of steel that can be tapped into for a lifetime…




Writing is a puzzle waiting to be solved with a second thought, an eraser, or revision. The joy is compiling scraps of paper filled with random thoughts and ideas.

Moments turn into seconds, minutes and hours.

A project begins with a title and lead sentence encouraging readers to turn the page. Pencils, paper, and time are best friends. When ideas reach an empty page, sometimes they stop in the middle of a thought.

Each revision moves the project closer to the finish line.

Adjectives and adverbs allow it to come alive.

Trials and tribulations provide strength.

It’s climbing a mountain of knowledge realizing “the more I learn, the less I know”. When a project ends and another begins…turning into pure pleasure.



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